Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

schema blog: Extended news support

schema blog: Extended news support: We’re happy to announce that has significantly expanded its support for marking up news articles, based on the rNews standard cr...

schema blog: Workshop Wrap-Up

schema blog: Workshop Wrap-Up: On September 21st, we held the first ever workshop in Mountain View, California. There were 75 attendees from web markup & standa...

schema blog: W3C "Web Schemas" group is our new public feedback...

schema blog: W3C "Web Schemas" group is our new public feedback...: Our Discussion Group will be moving to the W3C forum, which will use the mailing list. The Google Group wi...

schema blog: Using RDFa 1.1 Lite with

schema blog: Using RDFa 1.1 Lite with As a result of our continued discussions and collaborations with publishers, implementers and standards-makers, we're pleased to give advanc...

schema blog: Using RDFa 1.1 Lite with

schema blog: Using RDFa 1.1 Lite with As a result of our continued discussions and collaborations with publishers, implementers and standards-makers, we're pleased to give advanc...

schema blog: Building a Web of Objects at Yahoo!

schema blog: Building a Web of Objects at Yahoo!: We'd like to share a link to a recent set of presentation slides by Peter Mika, Ralph Rabbat, Philip Bohannon of Yahoo! The talk by Ralph Ra...

Jumat, 02 September 2011

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Blogger Buzz: You can do some amazing things with Blogger

Blogger Buzz: You can do some amazing things with Blogger: "Guest post by David Kutcher Editor’s note: We invited David Kutcher, an innovative web developer from Northampton MA, to write a guest blo..."

Blogger Buzz: You can do some amazing things with Blogger

Blogger Buzz: You can do some amazing things with Blogger: "Guest post by David Kutcher Editor’s note: We invited David Kutcher, an innovative web developer from Northampton MA, to write a guest blo..."

Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Setelan privasi dan keamanan - Statistik penggunaan dan laporan kerusakan

Setelan privasi dan keamanan - Statistik penggunaan dan laporan kerusakan

Google search basics - Changes to the look of Google Web Search

Google search basics - Changes to the look of Google Web Search

I see weird popups, redirects, or toolbars - Strange pop-ups and other malware

I see weird popups, redirects, or toolbars - Strange pop-ups and other malware

Strange behavior? First try clearing cache and cookies - Strange behavior? Try this first

Strange behavior? First try clearing cache and cookies - Strange behavior? Try this first

I see weird popups, redirects, or toolbars - Strange pop-ups and other malware

I see weird popups, redirects, or toolbars - Strange pop-ups and other malware

Masalah pemasangan dan pembaruan (Windows) - "Update server not available"

Masalah pemasangan dan pembaruan (Windows) - "Update server not available"

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Menciptakan MESIN PENCETAK UANG untuk menghasilkan MILYARAN RUPIAH

Hanya dng 2 LANGKAH MUDAH dlm waktu singkat mendapatkan 5Milyar rupiah, dng sistem kerja yg LOGIS dan hasil yg NYATA.
Ga pake RIBET plus REPOT dlm waktu singkat impian menjadi sorang MILYARDER pun akan segera terwujud.
Jangan percaya sebelum anda membuktikannya dan jangan bersikap skeptis/tidak percaya sebelum anda bergabung di sini.
Bisnis ini adalah bisnis LEGAL dan memberi hasil yg HALAL, bukan penipuan atau omong kosong belaka.
Mari buktikan di sini http://www/

AVG Worldwide - Internet Threat Levels | Current Risk Level

AVG Worldwide - Internet Threat Levels | Current Risk Level


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